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What to do when sharing or saving fails?
What to do when sharing or saving fails?

Please check the network reason according to the interface prompts. If the sharing or saving fails for network reasons, please check whether the file is larger than 50M. For larger files, it is recommended to delete part of the content and save or save it multiple times.

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What should l do if l cannot use the mobile network when using the mobile screen transfer assistant to transfer the screen?
How to use an eraser?
How to change the writing background?
How to turn on the pen edge effect?
How to save meeting files?
What are the file formats for saving?
How to move handwriting, pictures, etc?
How to use gestures to add/delete rows and columns of a table?
Does the whiteboard support multiple pen writing at the same time?
Two modes of annotation
Can the annotated page be taken away?
How to enter comments?
There is no sound from the screen of an Android phone?