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How about using it for training?
How about using it for training?

JAV is a conference interactive whiteboard that integrates projectors, computers, tablets, speakers, whiteboards, and curtains. It is an Android 11.0 system machine. It is powerful and easy to operate. It is also very suitable for training and helps your business improve work efficiency.

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Is the screen clear?
Does the smart pen respond quickly to handwriting?
What operating system does JAV run on?
What cameras and microphones work with JAV?
How's the product quality?
What's the difference between an interactive whiteboard and a traditional electronic whiteboard?
Can the conference interactive whiteboard be displayed on a split screen?
How many people are suitable for a 55-inch product for a meeting?
What are the advantages of the JAV smart board?
How to choose the smart whiteboard size?
The product I want is out-of-stock, when will it be available?
Can you tell me more information about your products?